UG Sports Directorate Receives University of Oxford Rugby League Team

The University of Oxford Rugby League Team has paid a courtesy visit to the University of Ghana Sports Directorate as part of their tour in Ghana.

The team to the University of Ghana (UG) was welcomed by Mr. Augustine Amissare, the Senior Assistant Registrar of the Sports Directorate. He added that their visit to Ghana and the University of Ghana was timely because rugby league is gradually gathering momentum in the country and thus the University of Ghana is the hub for training of the players and match venues during competitions.

Playing rugby has given opportunities to many of our students who learnt the sport while pursuing their studies here. Some, upon completing their studies, have picked up careers in the sport as administrators, coaches and referees. They are at the helm of affairs at the Rugby League Federation Ghana, said Mr. Amissare.

The idea of establishing a bilateral relationship in the area of sports between the two universities was discussed as well.

               Tom James, Head Coach, University of Oxford Rugby Football Team

The Head Coach for the University of Oxford Rugby Football League, Tom James, was full of praise for the hospitality received from UG. He was optimistic that they would make the tour to Ghana more regular as part of cultural exchange and to develop the game in other jurisdictions.

He praised the UG Rugby Team for giving his team a tough match. He was impressed with the technical ability of the UG Team.

"It was a brilliant game from both sides. The UG team was tough in the collisions, carried the ball well, and pinned our boys down in defense, forcing us to work hard. There is a lot of potential there, and they need to work on their structure, which comes from training more. This will improve their game and attract other bigger opponents to play them."

The University of Oxford Rugby Team trained with both the male and female teams of UG before the official match with the UG male Team at the Athletics Oval, UG. They beat UG 57-14.